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Hot Days of Summer!

Thank Goodness the 100 degree days are behind us! Makes me appreciate 85 WAY more than I did before...

What do you do to keep cool when the temp spikes?

In my house we stock up on the popsicles, lol... I could live on them. I buy the sugar-free ones because they're only 15 calories (and well worth it). Also (hee hee) the hub won't eat sugar-free anything and so they last a looooong time.

I think alot of other people are onto this strategy though. The frozen aisle at the grocery store was sold out!

... and on that note, our resident 3-year-old 'Superhero Princess' just saw the picture above and is demanding a popsicle. HA (me too!)

Be Cool!

Ties for your Guys

If you have a man in your life that likes to wear ties check out the link on Lilly Lynn Events Blog!


I... on the otherhand

Spent 4 hours downloading web design contract examples.

WHEEEEEE! Memorable.

I did manage to find two with bits I liked and today will cobble them together, making sure the 'set forth in section 3' bits match up and all the 'Web Designer' and 'Customer' references are meaningful and not redundant.

Oh ya - and then I must fill in the Work Plan.... due Friday!


Friends, Food, and Funny Memories

I just got home from a great 4 hour dinner with 3 girls I grew up with. So much fun to catch up and run through memories.

Ah so much fun and now so tired!



Don't miss these: WANNIT Shoes!

I don't know whether to slap {k} or hug her for finding these. GAH!




When I watch Obsessed on A&E I suddenly become very aware of all my own odd behaviors. Granted I don't pick at my face, or hoard everything I have ever bought ( well not where people can see it), and I don't have to turn the lights on and off 50 times before leaving the room. All of these things are real issues for people and I am aware of that and sympathize.

But while watching the show I suddenly think of odd things I do. Like my food not touching, or turning my plate when I eat...obsessive?? Those two things I get crap for from family and friends and you become kinda embarrassed for doing it but I can't help it. I have done it since I was little. Does that make me a candidate for OCD??

One girl was on who thinks IF put in a situation where she could kill someone she would. Well who hasn't thought about that? Not that anyone in their right mind would act on it but I know people think about it.

Overall even though I like watching the show it just makes me more self cautious.


On that note...

After listening to my tv radio thing on Comcast this weekend I decided that I want to bring back Culture Club & Air Supply. For some reason I get a wierd happiness in my tummy when their songs come on and they make me move.

Call me crazy since I was born in 82 and both were popular when I was so young to really know them but darnit I like them!!


Monday, Monday

They used to play day-themed songs ~way back~ in my high-school days.
An enterprising member of the office staff came up with this novel way of torturing the students.

So now - in addition to coping with it BEING Monday, I also have The Mamas & The Pappas stuck in my brain.

Lucky you - I'm passing on this gift. Heh.
